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Celebrating 25 Years of Souljourners

Sister Rose Marie Stallbaumer presents flowers to Sister Micaela Randolph upon her retirement from Souljourners.
Sister Rose Marie Stallbaumer presents flowers to Sister Micaela Randolph upon her retirement from Souljourners.

In the late 1990s, there was a growing desire of lay people for spiritual direction and a lack of enough trained spiritual directors to meet this need. This was the seed of Souljourners, which began in 1999 as an ecumenical program steeped in Benedictine values. After 25 years, more than 200 religious and lay people have graduated from Souljourners and are providing spiritual direction in their communities.

A graduate enjoys the pictorial timeline display.
A graduate enjoys the pictorial timeline display.

The 25th anniversary of the Souljourners program was celebrated on April 26-27, 2024, with more than 75 former students in attendance. A keynote address was provided by Lucy Abbott Tucker, a member of the Souljourners staff and a master teacher who for many years prepared spiritual directors through the Institute for Spiritual Leadership in Chicago, Illinois. Sister Judith Sutera told the gathering about the inception of the Souljourners program. She was part of the ecumenical group, initiated by Kansas Episcopal Bishop William Smalley, that began meeting in the mid 1990s to envision ways to nourish the spiritual life of area people.

At far right, Sister Judith Sutera and Rev. Joe Alford reminisce about their pioneer committee that created Souljourners.
At far right, Sister Judith Sutera and Rev. Joe Alford reminisce about their pioneer committee that created Souljourners.

Attendees shared supper with the sisters on April 26 and joined the sisters in thanking Sister Micaela Randolph for her 25 years of service to Souljourners as a member of the staff. Although Sister Micaela is retiring from the program, she will continue her ministry as caretaker of the hundreds of plants that provide such a pleasing environment at Sophia Center.

Many of the former students spoke movingly about how the program changed their lives by providing an inclusive community that deepened their relationship with God and helped them learn how to accompany others who are seeking God.

As one of the current students of the program, Susan Wade, said, “Souljourners has reshaped my spiritual journey. I was yearning for a renewed experience of God and Spirit, and Souljourners has fed me so deeply. Learning and practicing spiritual direction has opened up new directions, the program has provided new horizons in many ways, and as I learn and grow in this process, I am so appreciative of all Souljourners has done for me.”

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