
Meet the Souljourners Staff

The staff of advisors and instructors is a collaborative body, who come from many faith traditions: Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, and others. They are all dedicated to serving in this ministry of helping form new spiritual directors.

Sophia Center and Souljourners staff memeber Mary Kay Whitacre

Mary Kay Whitacre

sister marcia ziska, souljourners and sophia staff

Sr. Marcia Ziska

Sophia Center and Souljourner staff member Sr. Patricia Seiple

Sr. Patricia Seipel

retreat presenter and Souljourners staff Bernadette Graves

Bernadette Graves

Sarah Pickrell, Souljourners Staff

Sarah Pickrell

Nick Pickrell, Souljourners Staff

Nick Pickrell

Donna Kehoe, Souljourners staff

Donna Kehoe

Sister Mary Pat Johnson, Sisters of Charity, Leavenworth

Sr. Mary Pat Johnson