

Welcome September!

September offers a unique opportunity for reflection and renewal.

September—a time when the vibrant colors of summer begin to change to the golden tones of fall. September offers a unique opportunity for reflection and renewal.

September has always seemed to me to be a time of transition. It used to be transitioning from summer vacations to back to school, and there were years I really dreaded that. But now it seems that I’m thinking more about transitioning from being actively in charge of everything (or so it seems to me) to letting go of some of the responsibilities that can seem overwhelming at times. I’m fortunate to have people on staff who are very gifted and able to take over some of the pieces of leadership at Sophia. I am grateful. Watch for more emails from Mark and Constant Contact notes from Donna. Kudos to the rest of the staff who do a superb job of keeping things going.

The Equinox occurs each year around the 22nd of September and is a good time to reflect on the need for balance in life that includes time for work, for play, for prayer, for relationships. I hope each of you will take time to reflect on these aspects of your life and what you most need to let go of, or to adjust, so that everything is in order, enabling you to grow and flourish.

Each day brings many opportunities for gratitude. May I be aware of and act upon as many of those opportunities as possible.

We’re moving toward harvest season, which makes it the perfect time to appreciate the abundance in our lives. My goal for this month is to reflect on what I have cultivated over the past year and to give thanks for the lessons learned and the fruits of my labor—both my inner labor and the work of my ministry. Each day brings many opportunities for gratitude. May I be aware of and act upon as many of those opportunities as possible.

Sophia has many offerings in the coming days and weeks that will give you occasions to grow and flourish in your spiritual life. I invite you to look over our list of retreats and commit to attending at least one, whether it be on-site or via Zoom.

And always, no matter what month it is, be assured of my prayers and those of all of the sisters, for you and your loved ones. We are grateful for your support of us and our ministry.

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