

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent

by Sister Chris Kean

February 28, 2024

When Sr. Susan asked me if I would be interested in giving the reflection this evening, I immediately said yes. I knew what this Gospel was going to be. I have often thought about what happened to Peter, James and John as they stood on that mountain top observing Jesus as he met Elijah and Moses. I try to put myself with those apostles. When I do, I can only imagine what it would be like. Beyond that, I think I understand why Peter wanted to erect those booths. He was a man of action. He wasn’t one to sit around and watch from the sidelines; he wanted to do something. Jesus did not let him build anything; in fact, he even tells the apostles not to speak of this event until after his death and resurrection. What a huge disappointment! Not only could they not join Jesus in his prayers with those awesome prophets, but  they could not offer hospitality nor even talk about what they experienced with the other apostles until after an event that they did not understand nor want to have happen.

God has given each of us a way to reach out to others with his message of love which his son Jesus won for us through his death and resurrection. That is the clay in earthen vessels that Paul is referring to in our first reading. Maybe it isn’t obvious to the rest of us how God has touched and molded you, but there is some way that you carry his message within you and give it to others.

As a community, we carry the light together in many ways. For instance, when we warmly welcome people into our home, that, too, is sharing the gospel which Jesus preached and passed on to us. There are as many ways to pass the light as there are people in this world. We support one another in whatever we do. The most important thing we must do is to turn the switch on in each other and ourselves. When we take the time to pray and spend time with God and ask his help, that is turning the switch on.

Almost every week, I read with great interest Fr. Mark Goldasichs’ columnn inThe Leaven entitled “Mark My Words.” Recently he gave us this anonymous poem:

“I shall do much in the years to come,

but what have I done today?

I shall give out gold in princely sum,

But what did I give today?

I shall lift the heart and dry the tear,

I shall plant a hope in the place of fear,

I shall speak with words of love and cheer,

but what have I done today?”

Take some time to ponder any answers you might have and then ask God in to help you to continue to disseminate his light each day going forward. Enjoy the trip to the mountain top with Jesus as your companion and journey on through the rest of Lent.

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