Planned Retreats & Events
The planned retreats at Sophia Center are all led by knowledgeable and experienced retreat guides. They bring an authentic passion for accompanying others on their spiritual journey and love sharing their insights to help you along your own path. Whether you seek a contemplative experience with Benedictine spirituality, wish to explore the practice of Centering Prayer, delve into the stories of women in scripture, or partake in an experiential retreat that uses creativity as a means of prayer, you will find our offerings inspiring and enriching. These are just a few examples of the diverse and meaningful retreat themes we offer. Take a look at our calendar to explore all of the possibilities waiting for you!
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Some of Our Common Retreat Themes
- Benedictine spirituality
- Contemplative prayer
- Scripture
- Experiential/Creative
Retreat Formats
- On-site at Sophia Center
- On-line, via Zoom
- Series (these meet either weekly, typically for 4-5 weeks, or monthly, spanning up to 6 months)
- Guided discussion groups
- Single-day
- Multi-day/overnight