
Celebrate the Easter Triduum at the Mount

Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KS

Join the monastic community and enter fully into days of deep silence and rich celebration of the Mass of the Last Supper, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion and Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord.


Contemplative Outreach Presenter Formation for Centering Prayer

Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KS

This retreat and training will be facilitated by experienced workshop presenters and centering prayer retreat leaders of Contemplative Outreach. Certain prerequisites are expected for participants in this event.


Mary, Queen of Creation: Praying a Green Rosary

Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KS

Explore the Church’s understanding of Mary as Mother and Queen of Creation in light of Church tradition and Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’.


Dreams and the Enneagram

Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KS

Our ancestors in the faith knew dreams to be a communication from God. Along with our dreams, we will utilize the ancient spiritual tradition, the Enneagram, in the soul work of this retreat.


Clay and Fire

Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KS

Our time will be spent opening ourselves to the reality of God’s presence with us in everyday life, through nature and the work of our hands.
