Keeler: In English
Create Beautiful Cards
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesCreate your own greeting cards for any occasion. All materials provided.
Community Emergency Response Training (CERT)
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesTake steps to prepare yourself, your family, and your communities incase of a disaster.
Knitting and Crocheting Group
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesAll materials provided, no experience necessary. Every Monday!
Caregivers Support Group
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesA care group for those who give care. Taking care of those we love can be difficult. Support helps. Understanding helps.
Every First Tuesday of the Month!
Coping with Grief Support Group
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesA support group for women and men who have experienced any kind of loss.
Gospel of Non-violence: Living the Way of Jesus
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesExperience the message of non-violence that has been preached by Jesus and wise people through the ages.
Gospel of Non-violence: Living the Way of Jesus
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesExperience the message of non-violence that has been preached by Jesus and wise people through the ages.
Blood Pressure Check
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesFree blood pressure checks by registered nurse S. Oanh Pham, OSB
Braiding Sweetgrass Discussion Group
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesThemes that will be explored during our discussions include reciprocity, gratitude, community, gift economy, interdependency, the mutual sharing of gifts, learning the language of nature, and connecting to the land through the gifts of mind, body, emotion, and spirit.
Basic Embroidery
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesFree arts and crafts classes. Learn how to embroider your own tea towels.
Counted Cross Stitch Creations
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesBring your own project or create a new one to take home! No experience needed. All materials provided.
Knitting and Crocheting Group
Keeler Women's Center 759 Vermont Ave, Suite 100 - B, Kansas City, KS, United StatesAll materials provided, no experience necessary. Every Monday!