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Still Reflecting on “How big is God”?
After reading last month’s reflection on “How Big is God,” a friend was reminded of the following quote and sent it to me: “God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” He attributed it to Hermes Trismegistus, but in searching the web I’ve also seen it quoted from Empedocles and others. Regardless of who originally said it, it’s obvious many people have reflected on it as it speaks to the very nature of God.
I love the image of God as a circle.
I am not usually drawn to mathematics. I try hard to avoid thinking about my high school geometry and algebra classes (I avoided trigonometry). But somehow, I love the image of God as a circle. It embodies the truth that God is eternal and infinite, present in every corner of the universe. There is nowhere God’s presence ends. Each of us is embraced with God’s love. And we are all connected—all gathered into God’s oneness and perfection. God is never far from any one of us.
Not just we humans but all of creation is embraced by God. I frequently ponder how God has put everything together in such beautiful and unexpected ways. God’s creation is so perfect and so reliable that scientists were able to predict and map the emergence of the cicadas this year. How awesome is that? And scientists are able to state with certainty when high tide will occur, and astronomers can tell us when a comet that is billions of miles away will be visible to the naked eye.
I hope summer is giving you many opportunities to marvel and to ponder God’s wonders. I hope there is family time, friend time and nature time.
At Sophia we are most fortunate to provide time and space and programs that allow you to search for God, for peace, and for meaning in your lives. You are the face of Christ to us and we look forward to welcoming you to programs both in person and on Zoom. We have all our fall/winter programs scheduled and are taking reservations on our website. Make plans now so you don’t miss the opportunity.
Be assured of our prayers during these summer days.