


I am struck with how focused Jesus is on offering peace, reconciliation, and a sense of purpose and mission.

Easter! After 40 days of Lent and the beautiful liturgies of Triduum, Easter finally arrives and brings 50 days of celebration. In reading the accounts of Jesus meeting the disciples after his resurrection, I am struck with how focused Jesus is on offering peace, reconciliation, and a sense of purpose and mission. Remarkably, neither Jesus nor the Apostles seem interested in talking about the past. How human it would be for Jesus to recount and relive every minute of the rejection, betrayal and pain he suffered, but Jesus is focused only on bringing peace and joy to those around him.

I am struck with how focused Jesus is on offering peace, reconciliation, and a sense of purpose and mission.

This is what I am going to try to put into practice this year. I want to practice forgiveness and selfless love. How can I give to myself and others what Jesus has offered to us through his death and resurrection? Along with all the chocolate bunnies, jellybeans and cakes and Easter hams, this is how I will choose to live out the Easter joy.

Be assured of the prayers of each of the sisters that this Easter season will bring you many blessings and each day may be a reason to give thanks.

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