Sister Stories
Sister Martha Schweiger

As I ponder the meaning of my ministries, the word that best explains my life is “hospitality.” This is true through my childhood, living in a large family who spent time in preparing meals and welcoming family, relatives, friends and neighbors. Much cooperation with each member of my family was a necessity to meet the many needs and share the joys of life.
My call to the Benedictine life here at the Mount was a continuation of this hospitality ministry. I had the privilege of serving in different capacities in community. There were many ways of offering hospitality according to St. Benedict’s Rule in the daily activities.
For 47 years, I taught in Catholic elementary schools in Colorado, Missouri, and Kansas. Each year was a unique experience of how I offered hospitality to faculty, parents and students. Most outstanding examples of this came with the preparations for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion.

Having retired from teaching, I now provide the ministry of hospitality in our Sophia Spirituality Center.
In addition to my ministry at the Sophia Center, I offer hospitality in the monastery library by placing check-out cards back in the books that have been returned. I am also a companion to a resident in our Dooley Center. We play Scrabble every day. Since she has a great gift of spelling, my challenge is keeping up with her. We share the gift of hospitality by greeting each other with open arms and smiles on our faces. Together, we praise God for the sky, clouds, rain and sunshine!
Living as a Benedictine Sister, I am called to minister to God’s people. I have many beautiful opportunities to develop my spiritual life by joining this community in praying the Divine Office daily, singing in the monastic schola, and offering service to others.